Saturday, December 24, 2011


Christmas eve and I just finished and delivered a slipcover job for my friend, Jan. It came out so nice. I am sorry that this cell phone photo does not do it justice. The fabric is a lovely berry red textured with sandy gold tones. There is even a matching blanket (not in the photo) for her dog, Suerot...did I spell that right? Another happy client.

Merry Christmas to all!

Monday, December 19, 2011


I am working on a quilt for a competition. I don't know if it is bad luck to show it ahead of time. So I am only showing it to my close friends.

The second image is the quilt in its current state. It is still pinned and basted. Alot more to do.

The title of this quilt is NIGHT MUSIC, as the theme for this competition is MUSIC.
The quilt measures 40 x 30.

I hope to make the water look like a bar of musical notes.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Join me in my excitement!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dreamin ' Of A White Xmas!

The PZ International Women's Club is having their annual Christmas Meeting and have challenged us to a hat contest. This is my entry. "Dreamin if a White Xmas inCosta Rica!"

Friday, December 2, 2011

"Helping Hands" Quilt

I am 99% finished...but couldn't wait to show my friends.

Quilt is 36" x 46"

I learned alot with this project. I would almost like to do it again just to change some of my techniques...I said "almost"..I am not totally crazy.

I have my next project sketched stay tuned..not yet ready for publication.

In the meantime, I have a few more upholstery jobs to keep me bread and butter work...helps pay for my next cut of fabrics!

Summer is just around the corner. You can feel the days getting longer and the weather getting hotter. We had a small quake last night. They are most common when the seasons change.

Thanks for all your support and encouragement.