If you read my last post you know I am working on a quilt with coffee pickers. This weekend I was finally satisfied with the sketch and started to work in fabric. Here is a sneak peek of the first picker! Still need to do the cuffs on the shirt ..but it is a great start.
As a result, I have gone through 2 more interations of my sketch and I am much more pleased with this rendition. I hope you can see this faint cell phone photo. I did not bother to draw in all the coffee leaves but you can get a feel for my intentions.
Last week when I saw my little neighbor go off in the
morning to pick coffee in her purple rubber boots, I thought to myself, how
strange that children and families still go off every December to pick coffee
by hand.Despite the prevalence of cell
phones, computers and cell towers, some things are as they have been for years.
So when I heard that the THEME for the International Quilt
Competition was TRADITIONS, my neighbor came to mind.Over the last week, I have been playing
with ideas and today I sat down and did a first sketch.
My idea was to do the older version of coffee picking like a
sepia photo..perhaps die the fabrics in tea (or coffee)..and the current
version in bright colors.
This is just a flat sketch and I would try to add more
design to the characters to make them appear 3 dimensional…you know, shadows,
facial features, etc.
Now I would really like some feedback.I fear that all the color on the right will
make it feel too heavy ..The 2 men are throwing the coffee beans in the air.